Alcohol Service
University meetings or other functions in UW facilities may include alcoholic beverages with approval from the appropriate venue operator and the UUF Committee Chair (or his/her designee). Additionally, alcohol service may also require the appropriate WA State alcohol permit or license. All University policies, WA State laws, and Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board regulations must be adhered to.
Who may Submit an Alcohol Service Request:
Applicants must be at least 21 years of age and associated with the University in one of the following ways:
- A duly elected or hired student of the Associated Students of the University of Washington (ASUW) or Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS)
- An officer of a Registered Student Organization (RSO) with the Student Activities Office
- A faculty or staff member representing an organization
- A participant in University-sponsored campus events (e.g. conferences, seminars) if representing such events
- An individual authorized to use University facilities
When an Alcohol Service Request is required:
- An individual and/or organization intends to serve or sell alcohol in a UW facility.
The type of Alcohol Permit or License required will be determined by the information provided by the applicant via the Alcohol Service Request. Events with alcohol service will require either a WA state issued Banquet Permit or a Special Occasion License. Alternately, the applicant may need to present the UUFC with a Caterer’s Business License with Liquor Endorsement when a Caterer is involved. Each permit/license type is described below.
What is a UW Facility?
A UW facility is defined as an on-campus space or an off-site location that is owned by the University of Washington. Space leased by the University in an off-campus building does not qualify as a University facility.
What is NOT a UW Facility?
The following list includes buildings which are NOT owned by the University of Washington and therefore DO NOT require UUFC approval for alcohol service . More details…
Types of Permits/Licenses & Required Forms
ASR Flowchart
Banquet Permit
Banquet Permit
A WA State Banquet Permit is required when:
- Alcohol will be SERVED and not sold to event attendees.
- The event is NOT open to the public.
- Alcohol is PURCHASED by the host organization.
- Submit an Alcohol Service Request [online]
- Purchase a Washington State Banquet Permit following UUFC approval
Special Occ. License
Special Occasion License
Donated alcohol must be sold at cost to event attendees.
A WA State Special Occasion License is required when:
- Event IS open to the general public.
- Or, alcohol will be SOLD and the proceeds will be returned to the host organization.
- **Or, alcohol is DONATED or SOLD at a DISCOUNT, an Alcohol Sponsorship/Gift/Contribution is being received from a liquor manufacturer, importer, wholesaler, retailer, agent or campus representative to the host organization.
- Submit an Alcohol Service Request [online]
- **Submit a UW Alcohol Gift/Contribution Form [pdf] to the Office of Special Programs, if Alcohol is DONATED or SOLD at a DISCOUNTED PRICE to the host organization. (Required before UUFC can approve request).
- Submit WA Form LIQ-285: WA State Special Occasion License Application [docx] to the Office of Special Programs. (Required before UUFC can approve request).
- The Office of Special Programs will return WA Form LIQ-285 to the applicant when processed.
- The applicant must submit the approved LIQ-285 form to the WA State Liquor and Cannabis Board at least 45 days before the event but only AFTER the Alcohol Service Request has received UUFC approval.
NOTE: A significant amount of time is needed to obtain a Special Occasion License because it requires UUFC approval before the final application can be submitted to the WA State Liquor and Cannabis Board and meet their 45-day deadline. It is extremely important to plan weeks, if not months, in advance for a Special Occasion License.
**UW Alcohol Gift/Contribution Form
The UW Alcohol Gift/Contribution form is not a liquor license or permit. Rather, the UW requires this form to be submitted when alcohol is being donated to the host organization. Ultimately, when alcohol is donated to an event or sold at a discounted rate, the WA State Liquor and Cannabis Board requires the host organization to purchase a Special Occasion License. Please note, the alcohol must be sold to attendees at normal cost.
A UW Alcohol Gift/Contribution Form is required if:
- Alcohol is being donated or sponsored by liquor manufacturers, importers, wholesalers, retailers, agents, or campus representatives to the host organization.
- Or, alcohol is being sold at a special discounted price to the host organization.
Caterer License
Caterer’s Liquor License
A Caterer may already have the authority to serve or sell alcoholic beverages based on the type of business license they have. In order to use a Caterer’s business license, the following must be true:
- The caterer has a business license with liquor endorsement.
- Alcohol is provided by the licensed caterer.
- The caterer retains the proceeds from the alcohol sales, if any.
Additionally, it is possible for a caterer to contract out liquor service to a separate caterer that holds the appropriate liquor endorsement on their business license. In this case, it is the applicant’s responsibility to provide the name of the caterer that holds the Business License with Liquor Endorsement on the ASR and provide a copy of that business license to the Office of Special Programs.
- Submit an Alcohol Service Request [online]
- Provide a copy of the caterer’s business license with liquor endorsement to the Office of Special Programs. (Required before UUFC can approve request)
ASR Considerations – Before Submitting
Reserve a Campus Location
- Contact the UW facility regarding your alcohol service plan BEFORE submitting an Alcohol Service Request. Venues may also have additional guidelines regarding alcohol service.
- Venue approval is a step in the Alcohol Service approval process. The venue may deny an Alcohol Service Request if a reservation request has not been submitted to them beforehand.
- The room number where alcohol will be served is important to note. Alcohol service will be limited to the specific room number indicated on the Alcohol Service Request.
Obtain University Sponsorship – UW Students/RSOs/Student Gov’t Only
It is the applicant’s responsibility to contact a Dean, Director, or Chair of a University department or administrative unit to discuss and obtain University Sponsorship. Alternatively, an individual may sponsor the Alcohol Service Request if they fall within the following description: Authority has been delegated to a UW staff or faculty member who has authority to sign contracts and obligate funds for the department/administrative unit.
UW staff, departments, and off-campus entities do not need University Sponsorship for alcohol service.
The Student Activities Office (SAO) often serves as University Sponsor for RSO and student government alcohol service requests. RSO & student government applicants may choose SAO as their sponsor on the request form. Rene Singleton, Assistant Director of Student Activities, will be notified to review the request for University Sponsorship.
UW students and RSOs may choose an alternate University Sponsor. It is the applicant’s responsibility to reach out and secure sponsorship. The applicant will need to provide the name, UW department, and UW email of the Alcohol Service Sponsor on the request form.
Timeliness Matters
NOTE: Alcohol Service Requests must be submitted at least two (2) weeks prior to the event. Much sooner for a Special Occasion License.
Any requests submitted after that date may not be fully processed or approved in time for the event.
Submit an Alcohol Service Request
An Alcohol Service Request should be submitted once a reservation has been made and a University Sponsor has been identified. Please note that additional forms may be necessary. All forms must be completed and reviewed by the UUFC before alcohol service can be approved. The applicant will be notified if additional forms will be necessary.
On Approval
Permit Visibility
The WA State approved permit or license and a copy of the final UUFC approval email must be posted at each alcohol service location in the designated event space for the duration of the event.